Robbers Roost was spectacular. I had fun pretty much the whole time. There were no traumatic experiences, no extreme cold, and plenty of beautiful views. All in all, a wonderful 4 days in the backcountry. The first part of the first day on Monday was pretty boring. We hiked a road and then a jeep trail and then over rocks and hills to the mouth of the canyon and “Robbers Roost Spring”. Then things got interesting.
That night we had pretty much the best campsite ever. As we hiked along looking for a place that had warmth and water we came upon a part of the watercourse that had frost on all the leaves on the ground. The sun wasn’t shining in the canyon anymore but we still had light and it didn’t feel that cold, but there the frost was. There was a cliff area up a little way at the mouth of a small side canyon. We climbed up there and the temperature difference was incredible! Maybe 10 degrees difference! When Kevin went back down to get water from the pools he said he had to throw a rock through the ice to get any water. The next morning Wednesday, the sun rose and hit us pretty early warming up the already warm cliff.
SIDE NOTE: If you have a really sweet mat that you have to blow up with air somehow and the sun rises on it and gets it all warm the air inside it expands and tends to deform your mat. Yes, that’s what happened to me.
So out we went and hiked back to Angel Cove for some food and to finish packing up. Kevin cleaned up some lovely trash that someone had left behind (gross!) and off we went hiking through Mars to Angel Point. Seriously, the hike looked like Mars.
First we had to cross the Dirty Devil again. Once again, cold and muddy. And then we hiked through Mars. Giant domes of sandstone rock we hiked over and up and over and up following cairns as best we could and using the map a lot. Through small valleys and switch backing up a rocky pass we made it up to Angel Point by the time dusk had really set in. We dropped our packs, grabbed some bars and headed for a 6 mile night hike to the truck. Walking at night on a dirt road with the sky above clear as can be, we could see the soft cloud of the milky way arm. There were so many stars above us, we saw shooting stars and watched the moon rise from orange to white. It felt like the road went on forever, and when we finally arrived at the truck relief set in. We didn’t have to walk anymore and could take off our boots! 6 miles in 2 hours. Go us!
We drove back to the point, inhaled some pasta and passed out bundled in our bags in the truck protected from the wind.
Friday morning we rose to have breakfast, and pack up to head to St George.
So here we are. We made it to St George last night. A trip of reading about amazing canyons in Zion, and listening to music while driving in 3rd gear up steep hills. It’s Saturday and today has been filled with errands and blogging and checking e-mail etc. Tonight we head to Springdale to wake up with the sun and get permits for canyons, Mystery, The Subway, and Behunin. Wish us luck! We’ll post more when we can!
Emily, you make us feel like we went with you. The pictures are also amazing.