Hello readers. I am writing to you in a laying down position on top of a pile of fun/essential/useful/soon to be situated in the back of our truck stuff in my otherwise barren living room! Emily and I have been for the last week packing and building, running last minute errends, and slowly depositing most of our possessions into a 5x10x10 rectangle.
Actually I have been at it for about two weeks now. I never would have guessed that moving out of a 1 bedroom apartment to live out of a truck would take two weeks! There are a few reasons why it has though… Carefully selecting the things you want to live with/without is a difficult thing to do. The length of time to do with/without them is a large factor in this. The things you take and leave become very vital or not. You will use them all of the time or not.
I’m noticing that many of the things I have I use only a small percentage of the time. Take for instance, Emily and I have 27 forks. 27. For two of us. When I eat a meal that requires a fork I already have 26 unused forks. For the sake of this trip things like this are mostly eliminated. I will use the one fork I will bring.
Take another example. Em and I have a Bocce set. We have played Bocce maybe 5 times since I bought it in May. Most days we do not use or play with the Bocce. However we have opted to bring the Bocce set and let it occupy the room that may be otherwise used by much more essential things! (our extensive spoon collection for instance). I do intend on making uneven surface obstacle filled bocce a common sport of our trip.
It amazes me that most of the Items I own I only use very ocassionally. and the more Items I own, the less each is used. There are some exceptions of course, like boots, or a bed. For the most part I am glad to be greatly reducing the inventory for a while.
We have walked miles in our apartment back and forth slowly, and painfully eliminating the junk we don’t need from the gold we do. I think next time we do something like this I will do it the other way around. Pick the gold out and get the biggest cardboard box ever to sling the junk in! 2 weeks down to 2 hours. Done and done.
In case my literary sarcasm is undetected we have a lot of nice things to store away. We have been putting care there. I do find that the less things I have the less time I spend messing with them. And more time I spend Enjoying life. It’s just time to GO!
Here are some pictures of our new home being constructed. Emily using a saw! It took two sessions. Thanks to Todd and Jessi for letting us use their garage as the snow fell… We’re both quite glad to be migrating…
Hey guys, KTG here. I wanted to wish you a well wishing off party and let you know that I'm following your blog! I hope you guys got everything taken care of before you left, and I will sooo follow along on your blog. I love the pictures already, good artistic eye, on the reflection of emily in the truck! Hope the springs were amazing. ")
ReplyDeleteHey just got the email from your parents, Emily. HOpe that you guys stay safe. I will be following this also.