We are now in Flat Rock, NC which is near Henderson which is near Asheville, NC! Woo Hoo! We are staying in the cutest little cottage that has a stove, and oven, and microwave, fridge, wireless internet, queen bed, and a screened in porch, though I don’t know how much the screened in porch will get used, it’s pretty chilly here. It’s supposed to reach 50 tomorrow if we’re lucky.
Tomorrow Kevin starts his WFR course, and I begin exploring Asheville! Well, I’ll probably begin exploring Sunday by going to the UU church for services, but who’s keeping track anyway? I have books to read, blogs to write, and an interview to prepare for.
That’s right, an interview. Kevin had an interview on Thursday for this job in Knoxville that he really wants. If he gets it, and gets into the graduate school program at University of Tennessee, Knoxville then we’re moving to Knoxville for sure in July. If he doesn’t get it, then we’ll see what happens, but we’re super optimistic right now. His interview went well, and when he suggested coming to visit the campus, they agreed. Then, after he sent a “thank you for the interview” e-mail they wrote back saying that March 2nd from 10-2 would be a good time to come and visit. YAY! These are good things! Now, all he has to do is get accepted into grad school, which shouldn’t be hard, since he’s amazing. Speaking of amazing, he was accepted to the NOLS Professional Instructor Course in May!
As for my interview, it’s on Tuesday, and it’s for this company called The Institute of Reading, and I’m super stoked! I’ll do some more prep work on Monday to make sure that I’m completely ready, but I have confidence that I’ll do well. If I get this job I will need to be in Atlanta, GA for a few days in May, and then in Knoxville by June 2nd. Not bad.
So things are good, we have lots of irons in the fire, and things are looking up. We’re thinking that we’ll go climbing in Chattanooga next week. My ankle is almost completely healed thanks to the amazing, talented and wonderful Elena at Yoga Central in Atlanta. I am hooked on Yoga! I expect this week to be full of exploring, reading, painting and writing with some Yoga thrown in for good measure. If anyone knows of a studio in Asheville or Hendersonville that will give a good deal someone in town for a week, leave a comment!
After Chattanooga? Well, I’m going to leave you all hanging on that one. Will write again soon.